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Review (5)
Level4 2023-12-15
Revisited Isomaru Suisan after five years, but this time was with my family members. .In the beginning, we got Grilled Freshly Caught Seafood Set. It included squid, fresh hamaguri, freshwhole scallop and red prawn. The scallop was huge and juicy, the squid was chewy but tasted a bit blant. We ordered Crab Miso Kourayaki as well, which was crab innards grilled with shell. Definitely the signature dish of the resto! The crab paste was rich, making it smelled fragrant. Esp enjoyable when u had them with rice. Then, we got 4-colour Isomaru Bowl, which included salmon, tuna, negitoro and yellow tail. The sashimi was fresh but a bit thinly-sliced. We also got Luxurious and Overflowing Bite-sized Sushi and Nigiri Sushi. The overflowing sushi was mouthful, but I didnt really appreciate the sea grapes on top. We got Seared Pickled Mackerel, Fried Egg Plant and Clam Soup Noodles too. The sourness of the mackerel enhanced our appetite. The egg plant was well-marinated and tasty. The clam soup noodles was warm and the broth was clear, the clam was fresh too. .The staff would help you to grill the seafood, so the customers could depend on them. The resto had three stories, but it was still quite crowded. I recommend you to reserve a table online. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
日本居酒屋好多磯丸水產都係好多遊客推薦嘅地方之前第一次去到日本旅遊唯有試一下啦食完之後個蟹蓋令我一試愛上之後每一次去日本我都一定會食佢真係唔知點解可以整到咁好味就算香港有啲水產店整個蟹蓋 都絕對整唔到佢獨有嘅味道至於其他海鮮其實價錢都唔係話好平都唔係話好鮮甜 但係不過不失啦 磯丸水產蟹蓋就係王者👍🏼當中有個炒飯想推介 佢個炒飯好香胡椒味 可以試吓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-07-19
其實吾系太想寫,但因為實在不齒佢既行為。我們一行八人家庭,而且酒店只近在咫尺,所以行完街八點多想食埋嘢就返去休息。去到門口並沒有其他人在等位,目視只有八成食客,所以就問服務生有沒有空位。可能佢見我不像本地人,連眼尾都吾理我,就話冇。吾緊要,可能佢真係好忙........最可惡就系當我出門口走時候有個四至五人既日本人家庭到,果個服務生態度 180 度轉,即刻熱情歡迎佢地入座........咁即係點?洗吾洗咁民族主義上身?下次.......以後吾洗我去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-22
由於食肆開24小時,分店又多根本不需要挑人多的晚餐時段食老實說,燒好後根本試不出新鮮不新鮮味道跟在香港吃到的也差不多不過就是贏個「平」字蟹殼是我最喜歡的一道滿滿的蟹膏吃兩個已經很漏中間應該加了點芝士可是份量不多能吃到芝士淡淡的味卻不會蓋過蟹膏的味道看!賣相多好蛋卷也是蠻值得試的中間夾著香蔥可是不會蓋過蛋香很好吃這些海鮮可以自己燒不過一般情況下店員都會協助遊客始終,日本人很怕人浪費食材所以不懂燒,不用怕找幫忙就好!魚的味道比較普通可點,可不點這個菜色也不錯!可是忘記了菜名在餐牌些見到圖片可以點一個試試不過前提是要喜歡蔥啦怕不夠飽還可以叫個炒麵可能是肚子太餓覺得這個麵的味道也不錯不會太咸只是蛋有點乾總括而言:不是非常特別但卻可以一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-06-04
相當出名的磯丸水產,大大隻海鮮非常吸引,加上廿四小時營業,決定一試。 入場就見一大缸海鮮。牆上有必須早一日予定的套餐,當然我無予定就無得試。內在環境相當嘈吵,是日本人聚集飲酒消閒的地方。 先試魚生及魚生飯,大概我們太夜到場,差不多晚上十點,魚生不太新鮮。魚生飯忘了拍照,同樣味道一般。 重點目的,燒海鮮。扇貝、大蜆及海螺每款各兩隻,非常大隻。 先試燒扇貝,初頭沒叫店員幫忙,自己燒,燒了很久。幸好扇貝本身多水,不易燒乾,所以沒事。好味!但燒前記得挑污糟物走,我們食前先挑,搞到成隻碟都係污糟物,需要換碟。 店員見我倆雞手鴨腳就主動出手相助,果然燒得快很多,而且會先處理污糟物。建議新手一定要請店員幫忙燒,不要害羞。 大大隻蜆,好味。但店員代燒時會加上不少醬汁,個人不太喜歡,一來非常咸,二來蓋過海鮮的鮮味。 大海螺伴隨非常大的污糟物,同樣地店員加上大量醬汁,非常咸,加上海螺本身陣味,說實話很難食。 個人喜好排名:扇貝>>蜆>>>>>螺 個人小建議:1)只吃燒海鮮2)請店員幫忙燒3)走醬汁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)