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[月]  11:30 - 21:30 [火]  11:30 - 21:30 [水]  11:30 - 21:30 [木]  11:30 - 21:30 [金]  11:30 - 21:30 [土]  11:30 - 21:30 [日]  11:30 - 21:30 [祝日]  11:30 - 21:30 [祝前日]  11:30 - 21:30 [祝後日]  11:30 - 21:30 ■ 営業時間 営業時間は最長21:30まで これより早く閉店する場合もございます。 ■ 定休日 不定休3/5(水)は休業致します。
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食評 (1)
等級2 2023-05-21
11 瀏覽
We arrived here early around 5:30pm on a weekday so we were able to have dinner without reservations. By the time we left around 7:00pm, there was already a long queue so please reserve in advance if you don't want to wait. We ordered one regular Okonomiyaki and also the heart shaped Okonomiyaki, which by translation should be called "Memories of Osaka". Of course besides the heart shape, there is more.Watching how the staff decorate the Okonomiyaki was really a lovely experience and it was definitely unique as even the date was written on it and they use two colors as well. I also love the taste a lot. The taste of some Okonomiyaki can be too strong but they definitely nailed down the taste here. The balance of the sauce and the mayonnaise for decoration was spot on. They have different types of Okonomiyaki and I am looking forward to trying them next time. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)