All Branches (7)
[We promise you an impressive after-meal experience with our overwhelming “meat power”] Yakiniku using only A5 rank, which is considered the highest grade of domestic Japanese black beef. You can enjoy exquisite dishes with an elegant and deep flavor made with carefully selected ingredients and a focus on delicacy in a space designed for comfort and attentive service. Starting with the Omotesando branch-limited menu, we offer special dishes made with rare "black tongue" and "raw meat" that can only be eaten at health center-approved restaurants. continue reading
Opening Hours
[月]  17:00 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30) [火]  17:00 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30) [水]  11:30 - 15:00(L.O. 料理14:00)  17:00 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30) [木]  11:30 - 15:00(L.O. 料理14:00)  17:00 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30) [金]  11:30 - 15:00(L.O. 料理14:00)  17:00 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30) [土]  11:30 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30) [日]  11:30 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30) [祝日]  11:30 - 23:30(L.O. 料理22:30)
Payment Methods
Visa Master American Express Cash JCB Diners
Number of Seats
Other Info
Seat fee/Service charge
Smoking allowed
Takes Reservations
Kid friendly
Recommended for anniversaries
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (1)
這一間燒肉店係今次日本之旅其中一間好期待既餐廳٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و其實事先已經係YouTube睇晒片,大概了解個流程(≧▽≦)因為就番行程,加上午市比較平,所以book左午餐去食。研究左一輪,發現午餐就應該係一個拼盤,自己燒,晚餐先係店員代燒。午餐最貴果個都5400yen, 所以決定加少少錢,食最平的全日餐(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)承惠6100yen用呢個價錢就可以享受到晚市既體驗,絕對超值!!一坐低,店員就送上泡菜,醃左既蔬菜,沙律🥗慢慢食完就逐碟上主菜啦( ´▽`)店員仲會慢慢講解菜式同介紹要點樣食第一碟係牛肉他他將生牛肉同蛋黃撈埋一齊食好好味呀!好似食緊魚生咁!第二碟係兩款肉,包括薄切同厚切第三碟肉有三款,其中牛心及不知名內臟都好好食🤩食完三碟就間場,飲碗海帶湯,清一清喉嚨。之後一碟係薄切肉店員好努力講係屬於咩部位其實我地都唔識分,只知好食就得啦~最後一碟肉上枱前,店員先送上三小碟,包括醬汁,白飯同蛋黃。見到呢個擺設,我知道最期待既一碟要黎啦!店員叫我地將飯分成兩半,燒完一塊後提示我地要先沾醬汁,再沾蛋黃再包飯OMG!! 入口輕輕咬就熔化係口腔好好食!以呢兩款肉作結,好完滿。食完燒肉,再有一碗冷麵或者牛肉飯,我地都揀左冷麵涼涼的,好解膩!最後還有甜品,我地揀左咖啡凍及布甸🍮都好好食🤤呢一場絕對係東京食過好享受的一餐。價錢唔貴但享受一流。體驗同印象都好過淺草今半既神戶牛套餐#唯有食是最治癒的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)