The interior of the building is a stylish, artistic space with a high level of design, while still retaining a Japanese taste. It is a high-quality, casual restaurant designed based on the iron material of the iron plate, the shape of a tool called a "teko," and the motif of the number "10" in the restaurant's name. We offer counter seats where you can enjoy the excitement of watching the iron plate being prepared right in front of you, as well as table seats with a mellow atmosphere. Our ingredients include carefully selected premium Japanese black beef steaks and spiny lobster delivered directly from Tsukiji, all cooked right in front of our customers. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 21:00
*定休日:GINZA SIXの営業日に準じる
Payment Methods
Visa Master American Express Cash JCB Diners
Number of Seats
Other Info
English/Chinese Menu
Smoking allowed
Takes Reservations
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (2)
很多香港人都喜歡日本旅遊,但我就對日本實在不熟悉,幾個城市名當然說得出,但在市內遊走等同盲摸。以東京為例,我知道有新宿、銀座、涉谷、六本木、池袋、表參道等等,但其實邊度打邊度真的不清楚,搭JR的印象也極度模糊。過去20年,東京我應該去過4-5次,三次工作兩次放假,但都已經是遠古的事情。我不是不喜歡日本,只是比較少去旅行,我不是那種一年要「行開」幾次的人,加上記性差不會記得每次旅行去過那裡做過甚麼,可能本身放假就是想放空,本著到此一遊便了事的心態吧。今次到東京,好在有朋友帶著,食乜睇乜都是跟大隊。其中一餐,去了位於銀座Ginza Six的 Teppanyaki10 食鐵板燒,大興奮了!銀座這傳統高級地段依然非常熱鬧,碰啱星期日更加水洩不通。這座Ginza Six名店林立,6樓的餐廳間間都大排長龍,我們去的這一間也是座無虛席。鐵板燒理所當然點套餐,我點的set ¥12,800,即係圍番大約八百港幣有找,真係多謝目前的Yen那麼低,這一餐真是抵到不得了。前菜沙律貌似平平無奇其實十足日本風格,當中多了點點日風配料令沙律變得更美味;接著一小杯海膽三文魚子啫喱夠細致;三味鐵板海鮮:先來鐵板鮑魚,夠香;跟著的龍蝦厲害了,原隻開邊龍蝦比我預期的更大隻,龍蝦肉新鮮香濃彈牙;最後是薄薄鐵板燒過的帶子,搭上配菜很立體。食完海鮮,來了一份夾著芝士的「薄餅」,不肥不膩好滋味。主菜來了。鐵板燒肯定要吃牛吧!我們一行四人,兩位吃牛肉的都大贊牛肉出色,我和另一位不吃牛的,一個點了雞一個點了魚,兩樣不能說十分出眾,但沒有失望沒有投訴,滿意的。甜品每人一小杯好好味的雪糕,跟著有一架甜品trolley任君選擇,加上結尾的 Coffee or Tea,這樣一餐full meal這個價錢,現在來日本真是極度化算。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去日本旅行平時行到邊食到邊,但今次就根據YouTuber 介紹去東京銀座Ginsa Six shopping mall 6樓試鐵板燒。一踏入這間店感覺好浪漫,因為燈光昏暗。而且最初感覺會否很高檔及昂貴呢。但因為日元兌換率下調,所以這餐鐵板燒亦很便宜。我們order了龍蝦鮑魚餐,連同甜品一共有10道菜。每款海鮮都好鮮味,而和牛好新鮮,烹調恰到好處還有肉汁添。最後,還有龍蝦湯及炒飯,基本上跟餐會包一份甜品及餐後飲品。感覺好豐富,而且成個餐飲過程感覺他們服務好细心而且亦願意聽取客人意見。總括而言,這間是高質鐵板西餐廳,值得花時間去嘗試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)