[11:30AM] Gather for Early Lunch!
"An army marches on its stomach" - prepare yourself for a busy day by eating first! Here are 3 recommended places to have lunch at Sunshine City:-

[1:30PM] Off to the Aquarium!
Sunshine Aquarium With concept, Sky Oasis, this is Japan's first aquarium located on top of a skyscraper building. Sea 'flying' sea lions at the 'Sunshine Aqua Ring', and over 3,000 sea creatures displayed at the 'Sunshine Lagoon'. Regular visits will never bore you, because they often have seasonally exclusive events and exhibits!

[4:00PM] Tea Time!

[17:30] The all-new Planetairum!
KOINCA MINOLTA Planetarium 'Manten' Powerful video and full-dimension sound, and sometimes even scents of aroma, this is the new generation planetarium using the latest technology. After its renewal, the screens have been replaced for clearer projection of the starry show. Additionally, the premium seats are available for an extra memorable experience; "Cloud Seats" are soft and fluffy, while "Grass Seats" will make you feel like you are star-gazing on the fields!

[8:30PM] Let's Visit the Night Food Theme Park!