72 アクセス
呢到嘅甜甜圈每朝新鮮製造 款式多 款款都好吸引😍The donuts are freshly made. There is a variety of attractive donuts in Mister Donut.😍-1️⃣「Strawberry Ring 士多啤梨冬甩🍓」(¥129) 意外地唔甜 淡淡草莓味 完全唔膩🤤 It is not as sweet as expected. I love its mild strawberry flavour, so I cannot stop biting this donut! 🤤Score:86/100🔖-2️⃣「Pon De 波堤⭕️⭕️⭕️」 (¥108) 好有彈性同咬勁 一粒粒食 煙煙韌韌 好正🤪 It is chewy and elastic. I love this texture so much! 🤪Score:87/100🔖-3️⃣「French Curlle🥯」 (¥108) 因為糖漿同糖霜嘅關係 食到尾會有d過甜 但幾香口同鬆軟😚Due to the syrup and icing sugars, it is a little bi
1️⃣「Strawberry Ring 士多啤梨冬甩🍓」(¥129) 意外地唔甜 淡淡草莓味 完全唔膩🤤 It is not as sweet as expected. I love its mild strawberry flavour, so I cannot stop biting this donut! 🤤
2️⃣「Pon De 波堤⭕️⭕️⭕️」 (¥108) 好有彈性同咬勁 一粒粒食 煙煙韌韌 好正🤪 It is chewy and elastic. I love this texture so much! 🤪
3️⃣「French Curlle🥯」 (¥108) 因為糖漿同糖霜嘅關係 食到尾會有d過甜 但幾香口同鬆軟😚
Due to the syrup and icing sugars, it is a little bit over-sweet. Overall, it is savoury and soft.
4️⃣另外🐰小編唔識日文就求其點左杯野飲 估唔到原來係鮮奶加埋咖啡造嘅冰粒!好特別!As I cannot read Japanese, I ordered a drink by random. It is a milk with ice made of coffee. Very special!
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