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Review (3)
📍 日本要食McGriddles做早餐🩶(睇圖➡️)是連續𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞了兩日的早餐首日是拋低屋企人直接自己衝去等埋佢哋嘅話早餐都食唔到😌第二日𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞食其實是旅程最後一日特登轉咗鬧鐘0950諗住趕1030 last order⏰但起身嗰下覺得都係放棄啦眼瞓點知睇到同樣喺日本嘅朋友啱啱食完突然莫名唔甘心 1010着件褸擦牙洗面就跑出去😂住在日本的西貢 最近嘅麥當勞都要行15分鐘加埋長期路痴 又趕時間又緊張 真係跑過去!最後趕到去1027 買嗰時仲加埋言語不通同店員解釋翻一份堂食一份外賣 趕到買完坐低食都唔容易但的確好值得食多一次先走🥹日本人黎麥當勞早餐是必食鬆餅漢堡📌厚厚熱香餅夾住芝士雞蛋豬柳🤤熱香餅重楓糖香暖雞蛋豬柳加埋甜pancake一咸一甜又竟然好夾當然每個人口味唔同部份人會唔鍾意咸甜撈埋但個人覺得成件事match到製作認真🔥喺香港同店pancake早餐夾埋都不是同一回事講完又想再食了🥲📌日本麥當勞早餐去到1030! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
唔知大家知唔知每年日本冬天都會期間限定出呢款朱古力味三角批🍫,今年仲出埋士多啤梨吉士味🍓🥺。難得今年冬天黎日本梗係要試下!🔅三角チョコパイ 黒 (180円)酥皮好多層,偏厚,又唔算太脆。不過唔會好油,食落無咁邪惡。但好香好夠朱古力味,有少少流心。醬同皮個比例都ok,太多醬又會偏甜。香港嗰啲真係無得比😂。🔅三角チョコパイ いちごカスタード (200円)原本都怕食士多啤梨味既野,但呢個好似係11月開始既限定,更加要試下😎。士多啤梨同吉士2個醬mix埋幾好,少少酸甜食落唔膩,隻士多啤梨味唔會好假😚。💬唔知係咪呢間分店貴啲,我見人早我幾日買但係朱古力味160円,士多啤梨180円…但overall都唔錯,買左返香港人肉速遞俾屋企人都話好食😝。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢個包係由兩層厚厚嘅鬆餅🥞夾住豬柳蛋同芝士組成 鬆餅內含有紅豆粒 蛋香十足 成個包上手熱辣辣 咸甜組合真係無得輸!去日本嘅朋友仔不可錯過啦~Bookmark🔖!注意⚠️:10:30前早餐時段先有/要做良好市民 幫手清理垃圾同分類用左嘅餐具🗑-This burger is made by sandwiching a piece of pork patties, eggs and a piece of cheese by two pieces of thick pancakes🥞. The pancake contains some red beans and it is full of egg fragrance. The burger is freshly made. I have to say that sweetness and saltiness is always a perfect match! If you are going to Japan, have a try of it. Bookmark🔖!Reminder⚠️:It is ONLY available before 10:30 (breakfast time)/ It is our obligation to clean up and classify the cutlery and wastes into different bins 🗑-價錢price:McGriddles sausage and egg (¥340;¥520 for set)McGriddles bacon and egg (¥340;¥520 for set)McGriddles sausage (¥150;¥350 for set)地址address:Japan’s McDonald’s性價比CP value:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤飽肚fullness:🤤🤤🤤⚪️⚪️味道taste:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤環境environment:🤤🤤🤤⚪️⚪️(clean and tidy)服務service:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤(Japanese ppl are polite)總分Score:94/100🔖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)