All Branches (14)
Popular for its beef cutlets, cooked rare with frying time of just 60 seconds. Definitely worth a try. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Cash Only
Smoking allowed
Takes Reservations
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (3)
呢個吉列牛真係世界級🤤排隊落定單 一坐低有得食 牛牛5成熟 油脂分布均勻 入口即浴 唔燒就咁食都唔會咬唔開 燒左油脂會更香 但唔會膩 跟餐有多到滿瀉嘅山藥泥配珍珠米穀麥飯丶好creamy好濃厚嘅薯仔沙律同正宗好飲嘅味噌湯 仲有不得不提佢個wasabi 有甜味 超高質!大家一定要食!🔖提示⚠️:唔好燒完即食 會熱氣🥵/要排隊 睇你好唔好彩啦😏-This fried steak is scrumptious! The waiters take the order when you are queuing. Therefore, the dish is immediately served once you take the seat. The steak is medium. It is super tender and greasy. The fats melt on the tip of your tongue! You can eat it directly or fried it for a few seconds before you eat it. For the set, a bowl of tororo meshi, creamy and rich potato salad and a bowl of traditional miso shiru are provided. Also, it is worth mentioning that the wasabi tastes sweet. Must try!Reminder⚠️ : Don’t eat the fried steak immediately to prevent suffering sore throats 🥵 -價錢:$95-$165(detail in pic 8-10)地址:3-chōme-32-2 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tōkyō-to 160-0022, Japan性價比:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤(香港俾幾百蚊都食唔到咁嘅質素🥺)飽肚:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤(可能小編食得多😂)味道:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤環境:🤤🤤🤤⚪️⚪️(坐得舒服但食完成頭都係吉列牛味omg😂)服務:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤Score:98/100 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-03-07
I waited about 30-40 min to get in and the food is worth the wait. The space is small and there is only one dish on the menu. You can pick different sizes, 130g, 200g and 260g. I would recommend taking either the 130 or 260. In 200g, you will likely get to smaller size (more narrow) pieces. In the 130 and 260, the amount of meat is wider and less batter. The beef is red and you get to cook it any way you want. I recommend medium rare. There are two types of source for the beef and the soy with wasabi is wonderful. The horseradish sauce is a little overpowering. I’m not a steaks person but would definitely come back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在出發前,我的口袋清單No.1就是炸牛排,還發下了沒吃到炸牛排不離開東京這種話,所以就安排第一天去吃,先完成我的心願,了無遺憾!東京的炸牛排是出了名的美味,除了 牛かつもと村外,也是有不少家人氣店家,大家可以依照行程選擇距離最近的享用,因為出國的時間也是很寶貴的!自助旅行久了,已經不像以前事前查好想吃的餐廳,在自己的小筆記紀錄上,這次出發前,除了炸牛排找好位置外,其他的都是到了日本,看我人在哪~查到哪~吃到哪,也意外發掘了不少當地美食,這也算是意外的驚喜! (日本的美食網站可搜尋:tabelog)餐廳資訊地址:東京都新宿区新宿3-32-2 MOTOビル B1F營業時間:11:00 - 22:00 (全天供應)電話:+81-3-3354-0171分店資訊:https://matome.miil.me/articles/TMILsynM這次我選擇的是牛かつもと村,涉谷・新橋・東京駅・新宿・難波都有分店,在新宿有兩家分店,第一天剛好都在新宿東口附近逛街,在forever21附近,旁邊是吉野家蠻好找的!店內位置不多,很幸運大概5點來,前面大概就只有一組人,很快就輪我了瞧我笑得多開心!原本預計要排個一小時XD排隊的同時,店家就會送上菜單可以先看,也有中文菜單!但其實沒什麼好選的,就是炸牛排呀! 就只有分大小及有沒有山藥如果不確定敢不敢吃山藥,兩人可選一個有山藥的套餐再分食~我本身是很愛山藥泥~ 後面幾天整個愛上!!狂吃店內的位置我初估大概不到20個吧~ 但平均一人大概半小時就可以完食送上烤爐後,代表我們的餐也要來了!左邊是可搭配高麗菜絲的醬,右邊則是玫瑰鹽,牛排搭配玫瑰鹽就是基本款!我點的是130g含山藥的組合!左上,淺色的是蒜蓉醬,右邊深色的是醬油,可搭配炸牛排食用,我大部分都是沾醬油跟鹽巴! 或者是跟著攪拌後的山藥飯一起吃看這炸牛排,雖然看起來很生,但其實就有種熟成牛排的感覺,一點血水都沒有!而且口感極嫩~ 每吃一口都好享受如果放上烤盤上煎,會散發更多的牛肉味!山藥泥有些人喜歡,有些人不喜歡~ 會有種吃生蛋ㄍㄡ ㄍㄡ 的感覺,山藥泥是非常健康的食物,口感滑細,搭配粒粒分明的白飯! perfect聽著滋滋作響的牛排~ 現在邊看可是邊流口水附上另外一家分店的地圖給大家參考! 靠近歌舞伎町地址:東京都 新宿区 歌舞伎町 1-18-9 Wa Mall B1F電話:+81-3-3208-7450營業時間:11:00~22:00新宿東口附近剛好有一個花園神社! 經過的時候開滿了櫻花,就忍不住進去逛逛拍照! 薛薛吃遊日記 創作者介紹 Hsinyu1130 薛薛吃遊日記 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)