Even if online reservations are full, there may be spaces available due to cancellations, please call or check the reservation site. We also have free seating available except on extremely busy days.You may have to wait even if you don't have a reservation, but we can reserve a seat for you. For dinner, there are a la carte dishes other than set meals, and alcoholic beverages are also available♪ Baked and served ♪ There is no need for customers to bake ♪ Open until 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays Note: Set meals are available for 60 minutes♪ Note: Seat type cannot be specified continue reading
Opening Hours
[月]  11:30 - 15:00  17:00 - 22:00(L.O. 21:00) [火]  11:30 - 15:00  17:00 - 22:00(L.O. 21:00) [水]  11:30 - 15:00  17:00 - 22:00(L.O. 21:00) [木]  11:30 - 15:00  17:00 - 22:00(L.O. 21:00) [金]  11:30 - 15:00  17:00 - 22:30(L.O. 21:45) [土]  11:30 - 15:00  17:00 - 22:30(L.O. 21:45) [日]  11:30 - 15:00  17:00 - 22:00(L.O. 21:00) ■ 定休日 不定休
Payment Methods
Visa Master American Express Cash JCB Diners
Number of Seats
Other Info
Smoking allowed
Takes Reservations
Kid friendly
Recommended for anniversaries
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (9)
Level1 2025-01-02
好好味,已經第二次食,今次要全牛舌套餐仲要加雙倍分量,12舊厚切牛舌大大粒,簡直大滿足飽到上心口,員工都好友善,要求店內一位日本妹妹員工幫忙影相都非常樂意相助,好窩心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-01
呢間朋友都推介嘅檸檬牛舌,去完之後真係極度推介。佢係第一啖食完之後係會woo 出來嗰隻。首先餐廳我哋係提早一個月就已經訂位。提早一個月都已經冇咗啲好好嘅時間,所以我哋都係訂咗5:30,相對比較早嘅時間。入到去餐廳已經聞到嗰陣燒烤味,因為餐廳係開放式廚房。店員都好有禮貌,而且仲會走來問吓你來自邊一度。我哋嗌咗兩個餐,分別都係檸檬牛舌配其他肉類。佢一個set有肉有飯有湯同埋前菜再加埋咖喱俾你送飯。一個set入邊所有嘢都係好食嘅,就算係咖喱入邊嘅牛肉都係好好食。佢嘅主角檸檬牛舌真係做得超級出色,超級有驚喜。佢係每次都燒到同一個生熟嘅程度,可以睇到廚師嘅功夫一啲都唔差,佢哋牛舌每一舊都可以做到非常軟腍腍肉汁爆滿。應該係有成世人食過最好食嘅牛舌,而且仲會有陣陣炭燒味喺表面,再加埋少許調味。冇食過呢間真係唔好話去過東京。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-23
在openrice訂了座所以不用排隊,可以直接入座,去到的時候有很多人在排隊,從地庫排到上地面,估計超過一小時。點菜後很快大約5分鐘就可以上菜,相信因為是很多人光顧,所以不停地煮。牛舌普通,不是難吃的,但不是值得要排一小時吃,又或者排了一小時後吃,會覺得特別好吃?有幾個套餐可以選擇,價錢還好厚切牛舌是很厚、彈牙,但不夠香,燒得不夠。熟成牛舌反而比較好吃,但最好吃反而是牛肋肉,薄燒的牛肋肉,味道很濃。三文魚子飯的魚子不算非常鮮甜。小菜是咖哩牛舌尖配有沙律和湯也是一般飲品,招牌檸檬,但不酸,很甜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-15
As my friend and I saw many people recommending this beef tongue restaurant on Instagram, we intentionally booked it to give it a try..Both of us ordered Thick-sliced Grilled Beef Tongue Set Meal. The set included beef tongue soup, salad, grated yam, curry beef tongue, grilled beef tongue and rice. The beef tongue was truly thick and juicy. Squeezing lemon on top reduced its heaviness. However, it was lukewarm when it was served, which diminished the enjoyment of the beef tongue. The soup was clear but savoury. My friend got Salmon Roe and Raw Egg Bowl as well. Topped with a generous amount of salmon roe, the rice looked alluring and fulfilling. .The staff was really enthusiastic and kept asking us for our comments on the food. The resto was quite crowded and small. Due to its popularity, it was highly recommended to make a reservation in advance. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-11
每天一早長龍不斷,超級好味牛舌,第一次到訪位置非常難找,但係去過一次有紀錄後,便容易找。店舖門面不大顯眼,但在附近遠遠望過去,有多條排隊長龍,便是其中一間。店舖在地庫低層,入口位置樓梯非常狹窄,上落需非常小心。基本上是網紅店,大批香港人/台灣人小部分是日本人到訪排隊。牛舌食物好有水準,伴菜好味,跟餐2款醬料非常配合牛舌味道,單點雞蛋魚子飯好食到不得了。店內職員大部分是外籍人士,笑容滿面,工作勤快,能主動跟客人打招呼。預約,一定要預約。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)