Large Ramen in Tokyo

Ramen is one of the most popular dishes in Tokyo, the style of the ramen might change depending on the area, like Hokkaido style ramen, but you are still most likely to find the standard types like Shoyu (soy sauce) or Shio (salt) ramen. However there are places where you can find a unique ramen dish that is only served in that store.

Here are a few unique large ramen dishes that might be challenging to finish.

Restaurant Ramen Kimi

Ramen Kimi is home to what is probably the meatiest ramen dish out there. For 1,300JPY you can order a ramen dish (らーめん 豚一本) that contains a 600g pork roll. Together with all that meat the noodles are handmade, minced meat is added to the broth, minced garlic and an ample amount of Japanese bean sprouts.   

Ramen Kimi is about 6 minutes from Shimbamba station north exist 

Restaurant Yaro Ramen Akihabara Store

Yaro Ramen is a ramen shop that is known for its large dishes but unlike Ramen Kimi it's not just about the meat. One of their top dishes is called “Mega Buta Yaro”(1,380JPY) that weights around 1.5kg. Another is the “Tonkotsu Buta Yaro” (1,200JPY) that comes with three large, thick slices of pork.

Yaro Ramen is about 5 minutes from Akihabara station, electric town exit.  

You can check out other Tokyo stores here

Restaurant Ramen Bario

Ramen Bario serves many different ramen dishes, some are larger than others and some have more meat or eggs in them. But what makes Ramen Bario unique is the free unlimited garlic topping. All you need to do is ask and you will get a bowl with fresh garlic topping. Together with that you can also ask for extra vegetables, more grated pork fat and you can even ask for the special spice to make your dish even more spicy and challenging.  

The ramen price starts from 750 JPY and you can find Ramen Bario approximately 7 minutes from Shimbashi station, Hibiya exit.   

You can check out other Tokyo stores here

Source: bario

Jiro Ramen
OpenRice JP Editor
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