[10 Phrases] that might save your life at a Japanese Restaurant

First time dining in Japan? Visiting a super-local restaurant? Overcome your fears and worries with these 10 useful phrases below!

Entering the Restaurant

1. Futari desu (2人です) - We are 2 people. When entering a Japanese restaurant or café, the first thing you will be asked is, "何名様ですか?” (Nan-mei sama desu ka? - How many people?). Let them know so they can show you your seat.

Inside the Restaurant

2. Sumimasen(すみません) - “excuse me”, “sorry”, “thank you” One of the most useful Japanese phrases used for multiple situations. Raise your hand and call out “sumimasen!” to catch staff’s attention for ordering your food, or asking for any assistance.

3. Menu wo kudasai (メニューをください) - “Can I have a menu?” (Please give me a menu) The expression “~ kudasai” will come in handy whenever asking for something. e.g. “omizu/ocha wo kudasai” (Can I have some water/tea), “oshibori wo kudasai” (Can I have a hand towel). You can also ask for an English menu by saying, “Eigo no menu wo kudasai”.

4. Chumon wo onegaisimasu (注文をお願いします) - Please take my order. Some places such as chain izakaya stores may have call buttons on each table. If they don’t you can use this phrase and ask them to take your order.

5. Osusume wa nan desuka? (お勧めは何ですか?) - What do you recommend? The expression, “~ wa nan desu ka?” will be quite useful for asking what something is. e.g. “Kore wa nan desu ka?” (What is this?) “Are wa nan desu ka?” (What is that?)

6. Are to onaji mono wo kudasai(あれと同じものをください) - Please give me/us the same thing as “that”. Ever experienced looking around the restaurant, finding somebody at a nearby table eating the thing you just wanted? Say this phrase while pointing at that dish!

7. Ryori ga mada kite imasen (料理がまだ来ていません) - The dish hasn’t arrived yet. Ask this question and the staff will find out the order status for you. When commenting on drinks, say “Nomi-mono ga mada kite imasen”(飲み物がまだ来ていません).

Making Payment

8. Okaikei wo onegaisimasu (お会計をお願いします) - Can I have the bill please? You can also say “Okanjou wo onegaisimasu”(お勘定をお願いします).

9. Gochisousama deshita (ご馳走様でした) - Thanks for the food Show that you were satisfied with your meal, when walking out of the restaurant.


10. Ote-arai wa doko desuka? (御手洗いはどこですか?) - Where’s the toilet? Can also use the word ‘toilet’ (pronounced “to-i-re”) – Toilet wa doko desuka? “~ wa doko desuka?” is also useful for getting directions e.g. “Eki wa doko desuka?” (where’s the station?)

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